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Your CSS reset needs text-size-adjust (probably)

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Kilian Valkhof: […] Mobile Safari increases the default font-size when you switch a website from portrait to landscape. On phones that is, it doesn’t do it on iPad. Safari has been doing this for a long time, as a … Your CSS reset needs text-size-adjust (probably) originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

9 New React and JavaScript Links for February 2022

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Every now and then, I find that I’ve accumulated a bunch of links about various things I find interesting. Like React and JavaScript! Here’s a list of nine links to other articles about them that I’ve been saving up and … 9 New React and JavaScript Links for February 2022 originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

How to Open Task Manager on Mac – Apple Shortcut Tutorial

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Having problems with our computers is never fun. And what's often worse than the problems themselves is that they seem to occur when we're in the middle of an important task that needs to get done. The computer starts to significanlty slow down and an app we are using might

How to Deploy AWS Infrastructure with Terraform and Github Actions – A Multi-Environment CI/CD Guide

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Recently, I've been considering developing a complete end-to-end green field DevOps personal lab project. The term "greenfield software project" refers to the development of a system for a new product that requires development from scratch with no legacy code. This is a method you use when you are

Six end of week links

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Another week, more links. I’ve split this up a bit and added a section of cool (open source) projects. EVERY Gundam Timeline Explained - Tim Lyu breaks down every Gundam timeline and series in an incredible and obsessive fashion. I also watched his Evangelion breakdown too. Scams, Art Theft and NFTs - I like Brad Colbow’s thinking, from an artist’s perspective, around NFTs. Make Free Stuff - Max Böck touches on one of my biggest concerns with Web3 in that it attempts “to impose even more artificial locks and transactions on users, to extract even more money”, getting away from the Web’s anti-capitalist beginnings. Omnichord - Jake Albaugh makes a free musical instrument using the Web Audio API. And it’s fun. Also, subdomains rule. nuxt-cms-template - Alex Riviere and Andrew Walpole figured out how to integrate Netlify CMS’s block-based editor and preview feature with a Nuxt application. It may not sound like a big deal but getting a React app and a Nuxt app working together without creating a turducken is pretty intuitive. Accessible document workflow iwth Eleventy and Prince - Larry Hudson shows how to turn an Eleventy site into an accessible PDF using Prince.

How to Fork a GitHub Repository – A Complete Workflow

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GitHub is a great application that helps you manage your Git repositories. You can also use it to contribute to the open source ecosystem and collaborate with other contributors. Public repositories on GitHub often get lots of attention from contributors, and this helps enhance the project. So how can

Multi-Value CSS Properties With Optional Custom Property Values

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Imagine you have an element with a multi-value CSS property, such as transform: optional custom property values: .el { transform: translate(100px) scale(1.5) skew(5deg); } Now imagine you don’t always want all the transform values to be applied, so some … Multi-Value CSS Properties With Optional Custom Property Values originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

parseInt() in JavaScript – JS String to Int Example

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In this tutorial, we will talk about the parseInt function in JavaScript. This function parses (break down) a string and returns an integer or NaN (Not a Number). How the parseInt function works The main purpose of using the parseInt function is to extract a number from a string.

A Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 New CSS Color Features

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I was just writing in my “What’s new in since CSS3?” article about recent and possible future changes to CSS colors. It’s weirdly a lot. There are just as many or more new and upcoming ways to define colors than … A Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 New CSS Color Features originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Developers Speculating About the Long-Distant Future: 2022

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This is a wonderful roundup from Jeremy, who I picture circling January 1, 2022, in red marker on a giant paper calendar back in 2008 and patiently counting the days. See, there was a little smattering of internet drama … Developers Speculating About the Long-Distant Future: 2022 originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Learn to Code in Japanese – The Japanese freeCodeCamp Curriculum is Now Live

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The Japanese freeCodeCamp curriculum [] is now live. In Japan, I have seen many comments, tweets, and blog posts saying "freeCodeCamp looks awesome, but unfortunately, I can't use it because I can't read English." Currently, most information and learning resources related to programming are in English. But we want freeCodeCamp

JavaScript Execution Context – How JS Works Behind The Scenes

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All JavaScript code needs to be hosted and run in some kind of environment. In most cases, that environment would be a web browser. For any piece of JavaScript code to be executed in a web browser, a lot of processes take place behind the scenes. In this article,

What is Antimalware Service Executable? Why is it High CPU Disk Usage?

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Antimalware service executable is a component of Windows Security that runs in the background. But sometimes antimalware service executable can impact Windows 10 computers negatively by using too much CPU. In this guide, I will show you what antimalware service executable is, why it uses so much CPU, and how

How to Add Supabase Authentication to a Vue App

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In this post we will walk through getting authentication set up using Supabase and Vue 3. This will also work with Vue 2, but you'll need to move things around to work with the options API. I am using Vue 3 as it is now the default version [].

Markdown Cheat Sheet – How to Write in Markdown with Examples

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Markdown has gained popularity because it's easy to use and it's widely accepted across platforms. You can use markdown to write content that can be conveyed in plain text. A good example would be a blog post. In this article, you'll learn what markdown is and how to use

Helpful Tips for Starting a Next.js Chrome Extension

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I recently rewrote one of my projects — Minimal Theme for Twitter — as a Next.js Chrome extension because I wanted to use React for the pop-up. Using React would allow me to clearly separate my extension’s pop-up component and … Helpful Tips for Starting a Next.js Chrome Extension originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

A Chrome Extension for Cloudinary That Helps You Pluck Out Useful Media URLs From Your Library Quickly

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(This is a sponsored post.) Cloudinary is a host for your digital assets like images and video. If you don’t already know them, you should, because you can build it into the asset management you almost certainly need to … A Chrome Extension for Cloudinary That Helps You Pluck Out Useful Media URLs From Your Library Quickly originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Blockchain APIs - How to Query on the Blockchain

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If you wanna build apps on the blockchain, you are likely going to need a way to query data. We just published a course on the YouTube channel that will teach you how to query data on the blockchain in order to build your own decentralized apps. Ania Kubów

SVGcode for “Live Tracing” Raster Images

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Say you have a bitmap graphic — like a JPG, PNG, or GIF — and you wish it was vector, like SVG. What do you do? You could trace it yourself in some kind of design software. Or tools within … SVGcode for “Live Tracing” Raster Images originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

How to Make CSS Slanted Containers

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I was updating my portfolio and wanted to use the forward slash (/) as a visual element for the site’s main layout. I hadn’t attempted to create a slanted container in CSS before, but it seemed like it … How to Make CSS Slanted Containers originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

No Motion Isn’t Always prefers-reduced-motion

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There is a code snippet that I see all the time when the media query prefers-reduced-motion is talked about. Here it is: @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { * { animation-duration: 0.01ms !important; animation-iteration-count: 1 !important; transition-duration: 0.01ms !important; scroll-behavior: auto !important; … No Motion Isn’t Always prefers-reduced-motion originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Before I go: When it comes to complaining about web browsers

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I’m not planning on leaving the industry (yet), but before I go I’d like to offer up what I know when it comes to complaining about web browsers. I have logged hundreds of hours complaining about browsers on Twitter, on podcasts, and on this blog. I have logged thousands more hours trying to keep up with browsers and I frequently interact with people who write specs and make browsers. I have not been 100% successful in my efforts to get a element as my legacy but I have learned a lot about giving feedback to web browsers. Browsers are really complex Eric Meyer recently put it very well… [W]eb browsers are actually 60fps+ rendering environments. They’re First-Person Scrollers. When you complain about browsers, the first thing you must know is: Browsers are big, complex pieces of s…

Replace JavaScript Dialogs With the New HTML Dialog Element

Source: CSS-Tricks | Date: | Timestamp: | Reading time: | Word count:

You know how there are JavaScript dialogs for alerting, confirming, and prompting user actions? Say you want to replace JavaScript dialogs with the new HTML dialog element. Let me explain. I recently worked on a project with a lot of … Replace JavaScript Dialogs With the New HTML Dialog Element originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Netlify Has Scheduled Functions

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(This is a sponsored post.) Hey! Scheduled Functions are cool! Think of them like a CRON job. I want this code to run every Monday at 2pm. I want this code run every hour on the hour. That kind … Netlify Has Scheduled Functions originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Using Different Color Spaces for Non-Boring Gradients

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A little gradient generator tool from Tom Quinonero. You’d think fading one color to another would be an obvious, simple, solved problem — it’s actually anything but! Tom’s generator does two things that help make a gradient better: You … Using Different Color Spaces for Non-Boring Gradients originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

CSS Scroll Snap Slide Deck That Supports Live Coding

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Virtual conferences have changed the game in terms of how a presenter is able to deliver content to an audience. At a live event it’s likely you just have your laptop, but at home, you may have multiple monitors so … CSS Scroll Snap Slide Deck That Supports Live Coding originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Five links for a Friday afternoon

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Inspired by Kottke’s Quick Links, Jeremy Keith’s Links, and my desire to get off Twitter as the primary means of sharing interesting links, I’m trying a new weekly-ish post format. I also have a process for collecting links in Notion that should make this easy to sustain. Margo by HEX. What a gorgeous font! The Cutting Edge - July 1985; an MTV documentary about the Austin, TX music scene. Goes to show that Austin is the same as it ever was: cool, indie, weird, non-coastal, constantly growing, and perpetually worried about the vibe of the city changing. Did I complete my 30 day game making challenge?. Mark Brown teaches a lot about prototypes, MVPs, getting feedback, and how killing momentum is easy. Line Goes Up - The Problem with NFTs. A stoic look at some of the large and systemic problems that NFTs and cryptocurrency have. The secret lab making the most sustainable food in the world. Solein is a new form of food that turns CO₂ into a protein which sounds sci-fi, but may be the best idea yet to fight climate change?

A Deep Introduction to WordPress Block Themes

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The relatively new WordPress editor, also known as the WordPress Block Editor, always under development via the Gutenberg plugin, has been with us since 2018. You can use the block editor on any WordPress theme, provided the theme … A Deep Introduction to WordPress Block Themes originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Vibe Check №13

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Buckle up. This month turned out to be a big one. Writing it all out feels like an entire year went by, so I’ll start with the bad that happened at the beginning of the month and move towards the good. Got COVID When I posted my Vibe Check №12 and End of 2021 posts, I noticed they were a bit emo as I felt “exhausted”. Well, there was a reason for that: I had COVID. Those posts might need a giant asterisks applied to them. I still stand by that exhausted vibe because I was basically sick from December 17th to January 5th or so. Thankfully ours was a “mild” case and it did run thru the entire family. A lot of aches and sinus issues. We’re better now and resuming life. I’m like ~8% worried I have some mild form of Long COVID, but it’s allergy and mold season here in Austin so it’s hard to tel…

Five Hundred ShopTalks

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Today Chris and I released the 500th episode of ShopTalk. That translates to 10 years of weekly episodes (taking off holiday breaks and that one time one of us had a kid). That’s a lot of showing up and doing the work. And when I say weekly, boy howdy, I mean weekly. Peeling back the curtain a bit, I think the most Chris and I have ever been ahead is two episodes. Every week at 11:00 AM Texas time Chris and I hop on a call, sometimes with some guests, sometimes without. It’s interesting to have a first-hand chronicle to our industry’s ebbs and flows. When we started ShopTalk “front-end developer” wasn’t even a job title, WordPress was super cool, React didn’t exist, and people were starting to dip their toes into Sass. I switched operating systems and switched back. We delved into a handfu…

The Vacation

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I situated myself in the premium white leather chair, lowered the rollercoaster-like safety harness over my torso, and carefully weighed options on the console in front of me. > Evening . . . . . . . . 20/person > Overnight . . . . . . . 100/person > Weekend . . . . . . . . 250/person > Week (BEST VALUE!) . . 5000/family (Limit: 5) I looked over my right shoulder to see my wife and kids’ anxious faces gleaming back at me, ready with the nervous energy of a thousand suns to embark on our well-earned vacation. It’s been awhile. Some rough, lean years working like hell but through sacrifices and extreme budgeting we had finally saved up enough. I hesitated to tap the screen. A nervous laugh. A moment of internal calculus. Maybe a handful of evenings would be enough. Would it have the same effect? A couple weekends would surely be enough to reset. More economical. And then we’d have a little left over, just in case. I sensed my wife’s mind-reading. I sensed her fear I would succumb to my inner self-doubt. She has been working the hardest for this. Sacrificing to create these memories. I needed to shake those miser habits we’ve formed out of years of austerity, what has become my identity. “Oh, alright. Here we go,” I groaned and grimaced as I tapped the screen. “You selected One Week” chimed the female voice of the console. Our chairs tilted slightly back, I felt the credits debit from my account, we were off. Finally. The hiss of the pneumatic syringes, the sting on the spinal column, the cool and heavy breeze of the sedatives, the warm cocktail of endorphins and dopamine to stimulate our deepest dreams and desires, the chairs and harnesses catching our weight as we drifted away from consciousness. The lights in the room slowly dimmed. We would be back in a week.

The Hexagons and the Hexa-nots

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It’s a secret to everyone! This post is for RSS subscribers only. Read more about RSS Club. Twitter released a feature that allows you to connect your crypto wallet to your Twitter account. Once you connect your wallet, you can set your profile picture to an NFT that you own. I mean… setting your profile picture (”pfp”) wasn’t a hard problem before. Right click > Save As, right? But this feature eliminates your phone’s camera roll as a middleman and instead inserts your wallet and the OpenSeas API as two third-party middlemen instead. If you’re wealthy enough to own enough NFTs that you have a hard time managing them all as profile pics, I suppose this is useful. Ok. Whatever. Then Twitter’s implementation took it a step further and when you add your NFT as a pfp (which you could do befor…

The man playing the ukulele at the doctor’s office.

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I was leaving a doctor’s appointment and as I rounded the corner to the waiting room I could hear the dulcet tones of a ukulele, but it sounded close. My first reaction was “What in the fuck is going on?” as I scanned the ceiling for the speaker where the Muzak was coming from. Then in the waiting room I saw an older white man with a ponytail and a Hawaiian shirt calmly strumming his ukulele. Again, I reacted, “What the fuck is going on?” Then I caught myself. This… is… weird. Why was he playing it in the doctors office? Was he a minstrel? Was he calming the souls of fellow patients? A minister? A minister to himself? Does he just love Hawaii and goddamn it ain’t no one gonna stop him not even the cops at the doctors office? I think this moment struck me like a ton of bricks because it’s been awhile since I’ve encountered weird due to the pandemic. Angry? Oh, I’ve encountered plenty of angry. Hot-headed assholes losing their shit in a Chic-fil-A drive thru, yeah I’ve seen that, but been awhile since I’ve seen weird. The world could use a little more weird. I miss weird. I miss old Austin.